Global Movement for Nature’s Rights Gains Traction as Panama Shuts Down Copper Mine

A remarkable story of environmental turnaround is making headlines on America’s Newsroom. Countries and localities around the world are increasingly recognizing nature’s rights through legislation, with Panama being the most recent addition to the movement. This legal shift has enabled the closure of one of the world’s largest copper mines, demonstrating the power of granting nature similar rights to humans.

The movement to recognize nature’s rights has gained momentum, with countries like Ecuador, Bolivia, and Panama passing national legislation to protect the environment. In the United States, 10 states have implemented legal protections for nature, according to a CBS News report. This growing trend reflects a shift towards prioritizing the needs of ecosystems over human interests.

Callie Veelenturf, a marine biologist from Massachusetts, played a crucial role in advocating for nature’s rights in Panama. Veelenturf’s own experience of battling sexual harassment highlighted the disparity between human rights and the lack of legal protection for nature. Inspired by the book “The Rights of Nature: A Legal Revolution That Could Save the World,” Veelenturf made it her mission to advance this concept globally.

In Panama, Veelenturf’s idea gained widespread support and eventually became law, leading to the closure of a $10 billion copper mine. Opponents of the mine argued that it threatened tropical jungles and water supplies. Similarly, Seattle recognized the rights of salmon to pass through the city’s dams, while North Carolina is considering granting rights to the Haw River ecosystem.

This movement to recognize nature’s rights is seen as a necessary shift in how humans interact with the environment. Veelenturf believes that the current approach is not working and that prioritizing the needs of ecosystems could provide a more sustainable future.

The progress made in granting nature legal rights is an encouraging step towards protecting the environment. As the world grapples with environmental challenges, recognizing and respecting nature’s rights may be a key solution to safeguarding our planet for future generations.

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