North Korea Plans to Launch More Spy Satellites for Real-Time Military Surveillance

North Korea has announced its plans to launch additional spy satellites into orbit, citing the necessity of these actions based on current realities. According to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CTAK), these satellites will serve as powerful surveillance tools, providing real-time valuable information on hostile military activities against North Korea. Additionally, if needed, they will also serve as guides for North Korea’s formidable strikes.

On November 20th, North Korea notified Japan about its intention to launch its first military satellite. The following day, Japan reported the launch of a rocket with a satellite by North Korea. On November 22nd, South Korea confirmed that North Korea’s satellite had successfully reached orbit.

Furthermore, on November 28th, the North Korean satellite captured images of the White House and the Pentagon.

Previously, North Korea had issued a warning against any attacks on its spy satellite.

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