Republican Congressman Introduces Bill to Rein in Regulatory State

In a move to curb what they perceive as President Biden’s excessive regulatory actions, Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin is introducing a bill to reinstate a policy from the Trump administration. The bill, called “The 2 for 1 Act,” would require federal agencies to identify two regulations to be cut for every new one enacted.

Gallagher argues that the Biden administration’s regulatory approach is making life harder for American farmers and small businesses. By restoring the Trump administration’s principle of repealing two regulations for every new one created, he believes it will cut red tape and make it easier for Americans to earn a living.

The original policy, enacted by former President Trump in January 2017, was quickly rescinded by President Biden on his first day in office. Gallagher’s bill aims to codify this policy into law, ensuring its longevity regardless of the administration in power.

In addition to the “2 for 1” requirement, the bill would also direct the White House Office of Management and Budget to project the cost of new rules on the private sector. This ensures that the cost of implementing a new rule must be offset by the proposed cuts.

Since Biden took office, over 750 new regulations have been finalized, costing a total of approximately $437 billion, according to the American Action Forum. This has raised concerns among Republicans who believe that excessive regulation stifles economic growth.

Critics of the bill argue that it undermines necessary regulations that protect public health, safety, and the environment. They argue that the Trump administration’s approach prioritized deregulation at the expense of crucial protections.

It remains to be seen how much support Gallagher’s bill will garner in Congress. However, it reflects ongoing debates between Republicans and Democrats regarding the role and extent of government regulation.

Elizabeth Elkind, a reporter for Digital, focused on Congress and the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and politics, contributed to this report.

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