Chicago Teachers Union President Owes Thousands in Unpaid Bills Despite High Salary, Report Reveals

Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates, known for her progressive stance on education and social issues, has come under scrutiny after it was discovered that she owes thousands of dollars in unpaid utility bills. Despite earning a salary of at least $289,000 a year, Davis Gates has failed to pay $5,579 in water, sewer, and trash bills owed to the city of Chicago as of November 7, 2023.

The findings were revealed by the Illinois Policy Institute (IPI), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting fiscal responsibility and accountability in government. According to documents uncovered by the IPI, Davis Gates started a payment plan for the outstanding amount in July 2023 but quickly defaulted. It remains unclear whether she has made any progress in repaying the debt.

The revelation of Davis Gates’ unpaid bills has sparked accusations of hypocrisy from critics. As the leader of the Chicago Teachers Union, she has advocated for “wealthy” taxpayers to pay their fair share, while failing to fulfill her own financial obligations. The IPI report also highlighted that Davis Gates’ unpaid bills represent just a fraction of the $6.4 billion owed in unpaid fees, fines, and other debts to the city since 1990.

This is not the first instance of controversy surrounding Davis Gates. Last month, she was billed for back taxes due to an “unlawful deduction” she took on a home in Indiana. It was revealed that she had claimed the Indiana home as her primary residence in 2007 while working as a Chicago Public Schools teacher. She also applied for a homestead tax exemption, which has been active since then. The IPI reported that Davis Gates would have to pay four times more in Indiana property taxes if she didn’t take the deduction.

Furthermore, Davis Gates has faced criticism for sending her son to a private school, despite being a vocal critic of them. In an appearance on CNN, she defended her decision, stating that her opposition was to school choice, not private schools. This contradiction has raised questions about her consistency and credibility.

The unpaid bills and questionable financial decisions by Davis Gates have raised concerns about her ability to lead the Chicago Teachers Union effectively. Critics argue that her actions undermine her calls for accountability and responsibility from others, particularly “wealthy” taxpayers. The IPI report also sheds light on the larger issue of unpaid debts in the city, highlighting the need for better fiscal management and accountability.

Digital has reached out to Davis Gates for comment but has not received a response at the time of writing.

In conclusion, the revelation of unpaid utility bills by Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis Gates has sparked criticism and accusations of hypocrisy. Her failure to fulfill her financial obligations raises questions about her ability to lead effectively and advocate for accountability. The findings also shed light on the larger issue of unpaid debts in the city of Chicago.

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