White House Distances Itself from CAIR After Leader’s Controversial Comments on Gaza Attack

In a recent development, the White House has taken steps to distance itself from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) after its leader, Nihad Awad, made controversial comments regarding the Gaza attack on October 7. Awad’s remarks, captured in a viral video, seemed to express satisfaction at the breaking of the siege in Gaza during Hamas’ deadly terrorist attack against Israel. The White House spokesperson, Andrew Bates, condemned these “shocking, antisemitic statements” and emphasized the need to combat such bigotry.

The White House’s decision to remove CAIR from its publicly listed pledge to fight antisemitism comes in response to Awad’s comments at an American Muslims for Palestine event on November 24. The supplemental document on combating antisemitism will no longer include CAIR’s commitment. Bates reiterated President Biden’s condemnation of the October 7 attack as “abhorrent” and an act of “unadulterated evil.” He emphasized that this was the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust, causing immense pain and suffering.

Awad, in a statement provided to Digital, claimed that his comments were taken out of context and manipulated by an “anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian hate website.” He clarified that he had condemned violence against all civilians and forms of bigotry, including Islamophobia and antisemitism. Awad stated that while Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and escape occupation through legal means, targeting civilians is never acceptable. He condemned the violence against Israeli civilians on October 7 and past Hamas attacks, highlighting his consistent condemnation of violence against both Israeli and Palestinian civilians.

The controversy surrounding Awad’s comments has sparked a debate about international law, with Awad arguing that Palestinians have the right to symbolically defy the blockade and walk on their land, but without engaging in violence. He made a clear distinction between the average Palestinians who peacefully protested and the extremists who attacked civilians in southern Israel. Awad emphasized that targeting civilians, regardless of nationality, is unacceptable.

The White House’s decision to distance itself from CAIR reflects its commitment to combating antisemitism and condemning any form of bigotry. The spokesperson emphasized the need for leaders to call out antisemitism wherever it arises. This development adds to the ongoing discussions surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, international law, and the importance of condemning violence against civilians.

As the situation evolves, it is crucial to continue monitoring the responses from various organizations and political figures. The White House’s decision serves as a reminder of the complexities and sensitivities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as the ongoing efforts to address antisemitism on a global scale.

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