Hunter Biden’s Former Business Partner Demands President Biden to Stop Lying About Their Meeting

President Biden faced scrutiny as his former business associate, Tony Bobulinski, demanded that he “stop lying” about their meeting in 2017. Bobulinski, who worked with Hunter Biden to create the joint venture SinoHawk Holdings with a Chinese energy company, called on Biden to “correct the record” and questioned why he was blatantly lying to the American people and the world. The demand for truth comes after President Biden dismissed a reporter’s question about his interaction with his son and brother’s business associates as a “bunch of lies.” Bobulinski, a former decorated Naval Officer, emphasized his willingness to die for his country and held the highest security clearance issued by the Department of Energy.

Text messages dating back to May 2017 reveal that Biden did indeed meet with Bobulinski months after leaving the vice president’s office, despite recent denials of involvement in his son’s business dealings. The text messages, first reported by Digital, also shed light on the meeting’s details, including discussions about a Chinese legal document and plans to meet at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The meeting took place just days before an email discussing “remuneration packages” for individuals involved in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm, which appeared to reference Biden’s role as “Chair / Vice Chair.”

Bobulinski claimed that “the big guy” mentioned in the email was Joe Biden, a statement supported by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler. The IRS whistleblowers recently provided metadata to the House Ways & Means Committee, revealing that Biden had used an email alias to communicate extensively with Hunter Biden and his business associate during his time as vice president. When asked about his communication with his son’s business partners, President Biden vehemently denied it, labeling it as “a bunch of lies.”

In response to the ongoing controversies, Bobulinski suggested that President Biden, Hunter Biden, and James Biden appear together before Congress for a public hearing. This suggestion came after Bobulinski was accused by Hunter Biden’s attorney of lying to the FBI during an interview about his business dealings with the president’s son. The demand for a public hearing aims to shed light on the truth and bring transparency to the situation.

The allegations surrounding President Biden’s involvement with his son’s business ventures continue to raise questions about ethics and transparency within the administration. As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen how these allegations will impact public perception and trust in the Biden administration.

This article was written by Brooke Singman, a Digital politics reporter. For any further inquiries, you can reach her at [email protected] or @BrookeSingman on Twitter. Stay updated with the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content by subscribing to our newsletter.

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