President Biden Denies Interacting with Son’s Foreign Business Associates, Former Associate Calls it Complete Malarkey

President Biden has vehemently denied allegations that he interacted with the business associates of his son and brother, referring to the claims as a “bunch of lies.” During a press conference, Biden was questioned about why he had interacted with numerous foreign business associates of his family, but he firmly denied having any such interactions. However, evidence has emerged to contradict his denial.

A former business associate of Hunter Biden has come forward to refute President Biden’s claims, stating that there is “plenty of evidence” to prove otherwise. This associate described Biden’s denial as “complete malarkey.” The mounting evidence includes the frequent visits of Hunter’s former friend and business partner, Eric Schwerin, to the Obama White House and the residence of then-Vice President Biden between 2009 and 2016. Schwerin was also involved in handling the elder Biden’s finances, working on his personal budget and coordinating with his tax preparers.

President Biden also met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from various countries, including the U.S., Mexico, Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan, during his time as vice president. There is photographic evidence of Biden alongside Hunter giving some of these associates a tour of the White House’s Brady Briefing Room. Additionally, emails from Hunter to his Mexican business partner reveal that he brought numerous individuals to meet his father at the White House and even expressed frustration over apparent radio silence.

Further evidence points to Biden’s presence at a dinner in Washington, D.C.’s upscale restaurant Cafe Milano, where he was accompanied by Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, former Kazakhstan Prime Minister Karim Massimov, and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev. Bank records also indicate that Baturina wired $3.5 million to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a firm associated with Hunter Biden, prior to the dinner. Associates and top staffers of Hunter’s company also visited the Obama White House on numerous occasions.

Despite the mounting evidence, President Biden has consistently maintained that he had no knowledge of his son’s foreign business dealings and played no role in influencing them. He has repeatedly denied discussing these matters with his son or other family members. However, critics argue that the evidence contradicts these claims.

The White House has not responded to requests for comment on the matter. President Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, previously stated that Hunter Biden did not share his business or profits with his father. The narrative surrounding the allegations linking President Biden to his son’s business dealings continues to evolve.

In conclusion, President Biden’s denial of interacting with his son’s foreign business associates has been challenged by mounting evidence. Former associates and documented visits to the White House suggest a connection between Biden and Hunter’s business dealings. The ongoing controversy raises questions about the transparency and integrity of the Biden family’s business activities.

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