Israel Clashes with United Nations Over War in Gaza

Israel has once again clashed with the United Nations (UN) over its ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza. The latest incident involves Israel revoking the residence visa of United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator Lynn Hastings. Israeli foreign minister Eli Cohen criticized Hastings for failing to condemn Hamas for their alleged brutal massacre of 1,200 Israelis and instead condemning Israel. In response, Israel has decided to revoke Hastings’ visa, stating that someone who does not support Israel’s democratic values cannot serve in the UN or enter the country.

This clash is just one of many instances where Israel has had tense relations with the UN regarding the war in Gaza. Hastings recently stated that the conditions for delivering aid to the people of Gaza are not ideal, and she warned that a more dire humanitarian situation may unfold if the conflict continues. Israel’s decision to expel Hastings from the occupied Palestinian territories further strains its relationship with the UN.

Israel’s rocky relationship with the UN can be traced back to October 25, when Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, declared that his country would refuse visas to UN officials. This came after the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, criticized Israel for ordering civilians to evacuate from north to south Gaza. Guterres also condemned the collective punishment of Palestinians following the bombing of the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.

Furthermore, Israel’s foreign minister, Eli Cohen, accused Guterres of not doing enough to condemn Hamas and stated that he was unfit to lead the UN. These tensions escalated when Israeli journalist Almog Boker made an unsubstantiated claim that one of the captives released during a temporary pause in fighting was held by a teacher at a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). UNRWA released a statement calling the allegation unsubstantiated and demanded more information from the journalist.

Israel’s aggression towards UNRWA extends beyond allegations against its teachers. Several UNRWA schools have been targeted in Israeli attacks, resulting in numerous casualties. At least 47 UNRWA buildings have also been damaged throughout the war. UNRWA is currently providing shelter to 1.2 million civilians, making it the highest number of displaced people in Gaza.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also faced challenges from Israel during the conflict. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claimed that the Israeli military ordered the removal of medical supplies from southern Gaza within 24 hours, citing future ground operations. However, Israel denied issuing such a warning and criticized Ghebreyesus for his inaccurate statement.

In addition to these clashes, Israel has faced criticism from the UN’s special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese. Albanese drew parallels between the dehumanization of Jews ahead of the Holocaust and Israel’s war on Gaza, prompting Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy to accuse her of Holocaust inversion.

These ongoing conflicts between Israel and the UN highlight the strained relations and differing perspectives on the war in Gaza. Israel continues to face criticism from UN officials for its actions, while also accusing the UN of bias against the country. The situation remains tense as the war in Gaza continues to unfold.

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