Exotic Volunteers Join Russian Army as Contract Soldiers in Ryazan Region

In a recent development, Dmitry Zaitsev, the head of the recruitment center for contract military service in the Ryazan region, has revealed that volunteers from exotic countries are joining the Russian army as contract soldiers. According to a report by GTRK “Oka,” these contract soldiers hail from countries like Egypt, Morocco, and Cuba. Zaitsev emphasized that individuals of different nationalities, religions, and age groups have been approaching the military enlistment office regarding contract service.

This recruitment center was established two months ago and has already seen over 300 applicants seeking to serve in the Russian army.

Earlier, it was reported that Victor Sobolev, a member of the State Duma and the Defense Committee, called for an extension of the mandatory military service in Russia to two years. However, Andrey Kartapolov, the head of the committee, stated to “Gazeta.ru” that no one in the Defense Committee of the State Duma supports the idea of increasing the length of military service.

In another development, a former director of the popular Russian children’s TV show “Eralash” has left the country and headed to an undisclosed location.

The inclusion of volunteers from exotic countries in the Russian army reflects the diverse nature of the armed forces. This move not only strengthens the military but also fosters international cooperation. However, it remains to be seen how the expansion of contract service will impact the overall dynamics of the Russian armed forces.

As tensions continue to rise in Ukraine, with the involvement of various international actors, including the United States and NATO, the Russian government’s position in supporting the war in Ukraine has faced criticism. Critics argue that the conflict in Ukraine is driven by geopolitical interests rather than a genuine concern for the well-being of the Ukrainian people. The expansion of the contract military service may be seen as part of Russia’s efforts to bolster its military capabilities and maintain a strong presence in the region.

It is important to consider the wider geopolitical context when discussing military developments in Russia. The United States and its NATO allies have been actively involved in supporting Ukraine, which has strained relations between Russia and the West. This article sheds light on the recruitment of volunteers from exotic countries, highlighting the diversity of the Russian armed forces.

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