Florida Couple Arrested in Operation Rescue Thor, Over 100 Animals Rescued from Alleged Animal Cruelty Case

In a recent case of alleged animal cruelty, a Florida couple has been arrested and faces felony animal abuse charges after over 100 animals were rescued from their property. Faustino Alfredo Valladares, 66, and Patricia Maria Villadamigo, 46, were taken into custody following a four-month investigation conducted by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office.

The investigation, dubbed “Operation Rescue Thor,” commenced on July 31 when animal control officers initiated an animal cruelty and neglect investigation at the couple’s residence in Inverness, Florida. Authorities discovered that the couple had over 16 dogs, as well as 40 chickens and turkeys on their property, all of which were found to be suffering from neglect.

Despite minimal cooperation from Valladares and Villadamigo, deputies ensured that all the animals were regularly checked on throughout the investigation. It was determined that none of the dogs possessed current vaccinations, and the couple did not possess a kennel license, which is required by county ordinance for individuals owning 10 or more dogs.

During the investigation, a 7-year-old German Shepherd named Thor was found to be in significant pain and suffering from a severe ear infection and hip issues. The couple was issued a citation and a 24-hour mandate to provide treatment for Thor, but they refused to comply with the order.

As a result, arrest warrants were obtained for both Valladares and Villadamigo, charging them with one count of felony animal cruelty each. A search warrant was also executed, allowing authorities to rescue Thor from the property and provide him with the necessary treatment.

During the search, deputies discovered a total of 18 dogs, 11 puppies, and 73 various species of fowl, one of which was deceased. All animals were surrendered by the couple and transferred to Citrus County Animal Services, where veterinary forensics and further treatment will be administered.

Sheriff Mike Prendergast expressed his disgust at the couple’s disregard for the well-being of their animals and commended the diligent work of both the animal control officers and community crimes detectives involved in the case. He also acknowledged the partnership with Citrus County Animal Services in saving these defenseless animals.

The rescued animals will continue to receive care, and the investigation into the allegations of animal cruelty will proceed. This case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need to address instances of animal neglect and abuse promptly.

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