Former US Ambassador Arrested in Florida, Accused of Being a Cuban Government Agent

A former American diplomat, Manuel Rocha, who served as a U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, has been arrested in Miami on charges of secretly working as an agent for Cuba’s government. The arrest comes as the result of a criminal complaint, with more details expected to be revealed during a court appearance on Monday, according to The Associated Press.

The complaint alleges that Rocha, 73, was involved in promoting the interests of the Cuban government while serving as a diplomat. Under federal law, individuals working on behalf of foreign governments or entities within the United States are required to register with the Justice Department. In recent years, the department has been actively enforcing this requirement and cracking down on illicit foreign lobbying.

Manuel Rocha’s diplomatic career spanned 25 years, during which he served under both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in Latin America during the Cold War. He also held positions in Italy, Honduras, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic, and worked as a Latin America expert for the National Security Council.

Rocha’s wife, Karla Wittkop Rocha, declined to comment on the matter when contacted by the AP. The Justice Department has also chosen not to comment at this time.

This arrest highlights the increased efforts by the U.S. government to combat illicit foreign lobbying and protect national interests. It serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in diplomatic relations.

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