Elderly Utah Man Files Lawsuit Against Police for Excessive Force During Squatter Investigation

An elderly Utah man has filed a lawsuit against the Ogden Police Department for excessive use of force after he and his wife were left bloodied and bruised during an incident involving a squatter investigation. Rand Briem, 78, and his wife Vera, 74, were pulling out of their driveway last November when they were approached by officers responding to a neighbor’s complaint about potential squatter activity in their home. The lawsuit alleges that the officers used excessive force during the encounter.

According to the lawsuit, the Health Department had posted a non-occupancy sign for the basement of the Briems’ home due to a chemical contamination issue. However, the Briems were living in their detached garage at the time of the incident and had not violated any regulations. Bodycam footage provided by the law firm representing the Briems’ case shows the officers questioning the couple about their residency and insisting that they should not be on the property.

In the footage, Rand Briem becomes visibly irritated by the interaction and questions the officers’ authority. The situation escalates, and the officers forcefully take Briem to the ground, resulting in injuries including a torn rotator cuff, bruising, and cuts. Briem’s wife, Vera, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, also experienced emotional distress as a result of the incident.

The couple has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the Ogden Police Department and the two arresting officers, claiming that their constitutional rights were violated. Their attorney argues that no force was necessary and that the officers’ actions were unjustified, even if Briem was rude to them. The lawsuit seeks general compensatory, special, and punitive damages.

The Ogden Police Department has responded to the complaint, stating that they conducted a complete After Action Use of Force review and are confident that the court will find their officers’ use of force justified. The department maintains that the officers acted appropriately during the incident.

The Briems’ case is still pending in court, and Rand Briem was charged with interfering with an arresting officer. The lawsuit brings attention to the issue of excessive use of force by police and raises questions about the appropriate response in situations like this.

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