Progressive Policies and Lower Standards Threaten Law Enforcement’s Future

Former San Bernardino Sheriff’s Deputy Meagan McCarthy warns that progressive policies and lower standards in law enforcement are having detrimental effects on qualified candidates and experienced officers. McCarthy’s attack and subsequent acquittal of the suspect highlight the dangerous precedent set by these policies. Criminal justice experts are expressing concerns that these measures are driving away good law enforcement officers from big cities, leaving room for the wrong type of new recruits.

In an interview with Digital, McCarthy shared her experience as the victim of an attack by a schizophrenic man named Ari Young. Despite video evidence showing the attack, a California jury acquitted Young after his defense claimed self-defense. McCarthy, who suffered injuries and developed PTSD, believes that if this mindset persists, it could lead to a state of anarchy akin to a Third World country.

McCarthy’s case is not an isolated incident. She points out that similar stress has driven record numbers of officers to suicide, with several recent cases in Los Angeles and Chicago. The impact of such incidents on the morale of police departments has been significant. McCarthy attributes this decline in morale to what she calls the “Minneapolis Effect,” referring to the backlash against law enforcement following George Floyd’s death.

Betsy Brantner Smith, spokesperson for the National Police Association, highlights the toll that the pandemic and subsequent riots have taken on law enforcement. PTSD cases have soared, and police departments are still recovering, particularly in cities like Portland and Austin, where the “defund” movements gained traction. Brantner Smith emphasizes that the recovery of these cities lies in the hands of voters and political leaders.

Joe Giacalone, a former New York City police sergeant and criminal justice professor, warns of a “self-fulfilling prophecy” if progressive complaints about police misconduct continue to shape law enforcement policies. He cautions that lowering standards to attract new hires, combined with new laws that seal criminal records, could have detrimental consequences.

Giacalone’s concerns are supported by research showing that police officers with college degrees use force less often. However, some cities, like Chicago and New York, are already considering removing the college requirement for hiring. Giacalone argues that this approach is misguided and suggests that it will lead to a reduction in crime reporting rather than crime itself.

The consequences of these policies extend beyond recruitment challenges. If positions go unfilled, cities may face delays in 911 responses, and officers could be overwhelmed with forced overtime, potentially resulting in deadly outcomes. The recent lawsuit filed by the family of murdered Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer in Los Angeles highlights the dangers of mandatory overtime and its impact on exhausted officers.

Giacalone also raises concerns about the quality of candidates entering law enforcement. He points out examples of individuals with criminal justice backgrounds who later committed heinous crimes. This raises questions about the effectiveness of lowered standards in police departments.

David Gelman, a former prosecutor, echoes these concerns in district attorneys’ offices. He explains that prosecutors face challenges due to laws that tie their hands when dealing with repeat offenders. Gelman suggests that the public’s desire for more policing and protection in high-crime areas conflicts with the defunding movement.

The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of voting out politicians who support these policies or risk further drain on urban law enforcement departments. McCarthy shares her decision to leave law enforcement, and if she moves, her husband would also leave the department.

In summary, progressive policies and lowered standards in law enforcement are creating challenges for qualified candidates and experienced officers. The impact on morale, recruitment, and public safety cannot be ignored, and the future of law enforcement hangs in the balance.

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