Delivery Drivers Face Increasing Threats as Robberies and Carjackings Surge

A surge in robberies and carjackings targeting delivery drivers has raised concerns about their safety during the holiday season. Recent incidents involving drivers for Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service have highlighted the dangers they face while handling the rush of shipments and presents. According to the Postal Police Officers Association, assaults on postal workers have increased by 231% over the past three years, with 412 mail carriers being robbed in 2020 alone. The United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) has reported a significant rise in armed robberies of letter carriers, from 36 incidents in 2018 to 154 incidents in 2021.

Delivery drivers in various cities, including Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, Phoenix, San Francisco, have demanded safer working conditions through rallies organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers. These drivers have expressed concerns about their vulnerability to theft and violence, urging authorities to take action.

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service has identified a growing trend of thieves targeting postal workers’ “arrow keys,” which can be used to open most postal boxes. Thieves use these keys to obtain financial documents, prescriptions, and other valuable items, which can then be sold on the black market. To combat this issue, the USPIS has expanded its “Project Safe Delivery” program, installing additional security features on mail collection boxes and implementing electronic locks.

Law enforcement agencies have also been actively involved in addressing the problem. Since May, the USPIS and other agencies have made 109 arrests for robberies and over 530 arrests for mail theft. However, the holiday season presents an increased opportunity for mail theft, and the Postal Service is committed to maintaining the safety of its employees and the mail.

Recent incidents have highlighted the risks faced by delivery drivers. In Connecticut, an Amazon driver was held up at gunpoint by four carjackers who stole packages from his truck. In Colorado, a FedEx driver was shot during a carjacking. These incidents serve as a reminder of the dangers faced by drivers as they go about their work.

Companies like FedEx have emphasized the importance of safety and security for their team members and customers’ shipments. They have robust safety and security programs in place to protect their employees and ensure the security of deliveries.

Lawmakers have also taken notice of the escalating problem. Senators Dick Durbin and Susan Collins introduced the Postal Police Reform Act, which aims to expand the authority of Postal Police Officers beyond USPS property. The bipartisan legislation seeks to address the increase in postal crimes and enhance the protection of mail carriers and the postal system as a whole.

As delivery drivers continue to face threats and violence, it is crucial for authorities, companies, and the public to prioritize their safety and take necessary measures to prevent further incidents.

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