NRA Slams Democrat-Led Bill Restricting Magazine Capacity and Outlawing Firearms

In a response to a bipartisan gun reform bill, the National Rifle Association (NRA) expressed strong opposition to a Democrat-led bill that aims to restrict magazine capacity and ban firearms with a magazine capacity of over 10 rounds. The NRA argues that this legislation violates the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court rulings, as it targets the very firearms and magazines commonly used by law-abiding Americans for self-defense.

Randy Kozuch, Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, stated, “This bill unjustly and improperly places the full burden of the law on law-abiding residents, while doing nothing to take guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. The NRA opposes this legislation and will fight to protect the constitutional freedoms of all law-abiding Americans.”

The Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act (GOSAFE), introduced by Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Angus King (I-Maine), responds to recent incidents of gun violence. It focuses on regulating how these weapons operate rather than their appearance. The proposed regulations include creating a prohibited firearms list, preventing illegal modifications, requiring approval for future designs, and addressing self-manufactured ghost guns.

Senator King explained, “For years, I have said that rather than using the appearance of these guns to restrict them, we should instead focus on how these weapons actually work and the features that make them especially dangerous. The Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearm Exclusion (GOSAFE) Act addresses the lethal capacity weapons like the one used in Lewiston and most of the deadliest mass shootings across the country. Nothing can bring back the lives of our family and friends, but responsible actions moving forward can reduce the likelihood of such a nightmare happening again in Maine or anywhere else.”

The bill has received the cosponsorship of Democrat Senators Mark Kelly (Arizona) and Michael Bennet (Colorado). However, the Firearms Policy Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group for Second Amendment rights, also opposes the bill, calling it “one of the most aggressive rights violations yet.” They argue that the bill would ban many common-use firearms, self-built firearms, various self-modifications, and standard capacity magazines.

This legislation comes at a time when Democrats are pushing for stricter gun control laws nationwide. Recently, an Oregon judge blocked the state from enforcing a voter-approved law that proposed banning the sale of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

The debate surrounding gun reform continues to be a highly contentious issue, with advocates for gun rights and advocates for stricter regulations holding opposing views. The outcome of this bill and its potential impact on gun control laws in the United States remains to be seen.

Jamie Joseph is a writer covering politics and leads Digital’s coverage of the Senate. Stay updated with the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more political content by subscribing to our newsletter.

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