Texas Continues to Bus Migrants to Sanctuary Cities Amid Southern Border Crisis

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., joined ‘FOX & Friends’ to discuss the Biden administration’s handling of the southern border crisis. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas will keep bussing migrants from the state to sanctuary cities until the Biden administration takes measures to secure the southern border. Despite criticism from Democrats, Abbott has said the bussing program has provided much-needed relief to border towns in Texas, which are often overwhelmed by the number of migrants coming into the country from Mexico.

In a bold move, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that the state will continue to transport migrants to sanctuary cities until the Biden administration takes decisive action to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border. The bussing program, which has faced backlash from Democrats, has been hailed by Republicans as a necessary measure to alleviate the strain on border towns in Texas.

Abbott revealed that Texas has already transported over 12,500 migrants to Washington D.C., 25,000 to New York City, 20,000 to Chicago, 3,200 to Philadelphia, 7,400 to Denver, and just over 1,000 to Los Angeles. However, officials in these Democrat-led cities have strongly criticized Abbott for his decision, citing little or no notice given before the arrival of the buses. Despite the backlash, Abbott argues that sanctuary cities have the luxury of claiming to welcome illegal immigrants without fully experiencing the challenges faced by border towns on a daily basis.

New York City, in particular, has been hit hard by the influx of migrants, leading to residents expressing anger towards city officials. The situation has become so dire that a 94-year-old Army war veteran was evicted from his nursing home to accommodate migrants, leaving him without a place to live. This has sparked frustration among taxpayers who feel neglected as their taxes are allocated towards housing migrants rather than supporting local residents.

To address the crisis, Texas has taken matters into its own hands by implementing state-level border security measures. These measures include a new law that will impose stricter penalties for human smugglers and criminals operating stash houses. Additionally, barriers have been installed on the border, and border enforcement has been intensified.

As the Biden administration continues to grapple with the southern border crisis, the situation remains a contentious issue between Republicans and Democrats. While Republicans advocate for stricter border control and support Abbott’s bussing program, Democrats criticize the approach and call for comprehensive immigration reform.

In conclusion, Texas’ decision to bus migrants to sanctuary cities has generated both support and criticism. Republicans believe it provides relief to overwhelmed border towns, while Democrats argue that it places an unfair burden on the receiving cities. As the Biden administration faces mounting pressure to address the crisis, the nation remains divided on the best course of action to secure the southern border and address the ongoing migrant influx.

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