Ex-Convict Arrested with Hidden Handgun in Rectum During Jail Booking

An Indiana ex-convict, Christopher Boyd, was apprehended by police in Evansville, Indiana, after a routine traffic stop revealed an obscured license plate. During a body scan and strip search, officers discovered a small bag of pills in Boyd’s sock, which he claimed were Percocets for his spinal injury. However, further search yielded two plastic bags of marijuana hidden near his scrotum. The incident took a shocking turn when officers detected a large object in Boyd’s groin region, which turned out to be a loaded handgun concealed in his rectum.

Boyd, who had a history of convictions for attempted murder, burglary, and domestic battery, is prohibited from carrying a firearm. Additionally, he is subject to an active protective order and has been classified as a “Serious Violent Felon and Domestic Batterer.” The firearm, a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 caliber pistol, was not reported stolen and is known for its lightweight and compact design, making it suitable for concealed carry.

Boyd now faces multiple felony charges, including drug possession, gun possession, and trafficking. He is currently held without bond at Vanderburgh County Jail.

The incident highlights the ongoing issue of individuals with criminal backgrounds attempting to possess and conceal firearms. It also raises concerns about the efficacy of security measures in detecting hidden weapons during the booking process. Authorities will undoubtedly review their procedures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

While recreational marijuana remains illegal in Indiana, the incident does not directly address the larger debate surrounding marijuana legalization or drug policy. It serves as a reminder that law enforcement agencies must remain vigilant in combating drug trafficking and illegal possession.

As the case progresses, it will be interesting to see how the court system handles Boyd’s multiple charges and whether his previous convictions will impact the sentencing decision. Additionally, the incident raises questions about the availability of firearms on the black market and the potential need for stricter gun control measures to prevent individuals with violent histories from accessing weapons.

In conclusion, the arrest of an ex-convict with a hidden handgun in his rectum during the jail booking process underscores the ongoing challenges faced by law enforcement in ensuring public safety. It also highlights the need for continued efforts to address issues related to gun control, criminal justice reform, and drug policy.

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