Corruption Scandal Unveiled: Ukrainian Military Personnel Selling Supplies Meant for Soldiers

A military unit in the Kiev region of Ukraine has been involved in the illicit sale of supplies intended for the personal use of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF). The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) of Ukraine has reported this alarming development.

According to the report, the participants in this criminal scheme colluded with entrepreneurs and sold a portion of the supplies, originally meant for the military, to restaurants, shops, and markets. As a result, the soldiers were deprived of approximately one-third of the intended provisions.

Furthermore, the military personnel issued empty invoices for the delivery of goods worth millions of hryvnias, which were never actually delivered. According to the SBI, the current estimates suggest that at least 5 million hryvnias have been embezzled.

Prior to this revelation, Ukrainian publication “” had reported that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) had initiated a case against the former head of the State Property Fund, Dmitry Sennichenko, who is suspected of money laundering amounting to over 10 billion hryvnias ($277.3 million).

In October, former mayor of Odessa, Alexei Kostusev, was declared a wanted fugitive in a criminal case, accused of abusing his official position and misappropriating assets.

Earlier, Ukrainian law enforcement officials conducted searches at the residence of the mayor of Mukachevo, Andrey Baloga, who is suspected of corruption activities.

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