Lawsuit Alleges Maryland Police Illegally Enter Apartment, Shoot and Paralyze Dog

Roommates in Maryland have filed a federal lawsuit against police officers in Prince George’s County, alleging that the officers unlawfully entered their apartment, detained them at gunpoint, and shot their pet dog, resulting in the animal’s paralysis and eventual euthanization. The lawsuit seeks a minimum of $16 million in damages for the incident that occurred on June 2, 2021.

According to the lawsuit, the dog, a boxer mix named Hennessey, did not attack the officers who entered the apartment. Despite this, two officers discharged their firearms at the animal, while another used a stun gun. The entire encounter was recorded on police body camera footage and a plaintiff’s cellphone video.

The incident began when officers responded to a report of a dog bite at the apartment complex where the plaintiffs resided. Two officers went to the plaintiffs’ apartment, accompanied by a maintenance worker who provided them with a master key to gain entry. As the officers entered the apartment with their guns drawn, two of the plaintiffs were in their bedroom. One of them protested that the police had no right to be there without a warrant, but the officers claimed “probable cause.”

The lawsuit alleges that the officers panicked and shot the dog when it approached its primary owner, Erica Umana, who had exited the bedroom. After shooting the dog, the officers handcuffed the roommates and held them in police vehicles for approximately an hour before releasing them. The plaintiffs, identified as Erica Umana, Erika Erazo Sanchez, Dayri Amaya Benitez, and Brandon Cuevas, are suing both the county and the three officers involved in the incident.

Umana, in an interview with the Washington Post in 2021, described her pleas for help for her wounded dog, stating that the officers displayed no remorse. The county reportedly offered to cover Umana’s veterinary bills if she agreed not to publicly discuss the shooting, an offer she declined.

At present, neither the police nor county officials have responded to the allegations raised in the lawsuit. The suit also claims that the officers were placed on paid administrative leave while an internal investigation took place. One officer was cleared of wrongdoing, while the other two were accused of “conduct unbecoming an officer” for entering the apartment without a warrant.

The lawsuit further accuses the officers of excessive force, false arrest, and violation of the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. The roommates’ attorney, William “Billy” Murphy Jr., who previously represented the family of Freddie Gray, a Black man whose death in police custody sparked protests in Baltimore in 2015, condemned the officers’ actions as “outrageously flagrant misconduct.”

The suit also highlights a pattern of alleged police misconduct in Prince George’s County, citing previous incidents of excessive force, including the killing of an unarmed Black man, William Green, in January 2020. The county reached a $20 million settlement with Green’s family.

Malcolm Ruff, another attorney representing the plaintiffs, criticized the lack of accountability for police misconduct in the county, stating that officers “have no fear of reprimand” and believe they can treat people however they please.

The lawsuit sheds light on ongoing concerns about police behavior and accountability, especially in cases involving excessive force and violations of constitutional rights. The outcome of this lawsuit could potentially have significant implications for addressing such issues in Prince George’s County and beyond.

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