Gazans Call for Permanent Ceasefire as Humanitarian Pause Exposes Suffering

The four-day humanitarian pause in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has provided a temporary respite from the violence, but it has also shed light on the dire situation faced by displaced Palestinians. Ayman Harb, a father of three children, made the difficult decision to flee his home in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shujayea just before the pause in fighting took effect. Harb’s son has cerebral palsy and requires an oxygen tank, and the threat of Israeli soldiers shooting him if he didn’t discard the oxygen forced him to leave. Now in central Gaza, Harb longs for a full-fledged ceasefire that would allow his family to return home.

The four-day truce, which was extended for an additional two days, has given families in Gaza a momentary respite from the constant attacks they have endured since October 7. However, it has done little to alleviate the collective trauma experienced by the 2.3 million people living in the enclave. The United Nations reports that 1.6 million people have been displaced from their homes, with many forced to seek refuge in the south of the strip. Attempts by some families to return to the north during the truce have been met with gunfire from Israeli snipers.

The temporary halt in fighting has also exposed the dire living conditions faced by displaced Palestinians. Families are living in tents or crowded together in makeshift shelters, relying on the generosity of others for basic necessities like food, water, and medicine. Imm Shadi al-Taher, a 63-year-old mother of 10, described the destitution and the feeling of being forgotten by the world. She longs to return to her destroyed home to bury her siblings who are still trapped under the rubble.

According to the Gaza media government office, at least 6,800 people are missing and presumed dead under the rubble, adding to the already devastating death toll of 14,854 Palestinians, mostly women and children, since the start of the conflict. Noor Saadeh, a 23-year-old mother of two, expressed frustration with the temporary truce, as it does not address the fundamental issue of being unable to return home. She worries about the approaching winter and the lack of appropriate clothing for her children, who miss their friends and their old life.

The call for a permanent ceasefire grows louder among Palestinians, who prioritize the opportunity to rebuild their lives and return to their homes, even if they have been destroyed. The temporary respite provided by the humanitarian pause has only highlighted the suffering and desperation faced by the people of Gaza. As international efforts continue to mediate a lasting resolution, the plight of displaced Palestinians remains a pressing concern that demands immediate attention and action.

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