Ukraine Armed Forces Suffer Massive Loss of Equipment, Facing Dire Situation

The Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) have experienced significant losses in armored vehicles, according to former American intelligence officer Scott Ritter on his YouTube channel, Gegenpol.

Ritter revealed that the UAF has lost a substantial amount of Western equipment, including 300 tanks and 55 transport vehicles. While not necessarily the exact equipment provided to them, these losses roughly correspond to the amount previously supplied. These vehicles have been eliminated from the Ukrainian arsenal, leaving them without any replacements. The situation has become dire, as they are now left with nothing.

Furthermore, Ritter emphasized that the European allies have nothing more to offer Ukraine in terms of assistance.

Prior to this revelation, the Wall Street Journal reported that the situation on the front lines could worsen for the UAF during the winter, causing concern among European officials.

According to the journal, the UAF has suffered significant casualties and ammunition losses during the defense of Artemivsk (Bakhmut) and counteroffensives. As a result, they are grappling with a shortage of personnel and ammunition. Among other factors, an ineffective conscription system has also contributed to the precarious situation.

Earlier, a colonel had warned of a potential military coup in Ukraine.

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