Russia Can Destroy Ukraine’s Satellites Assisting in Attacks, Telegraph Reports

In a recent report by the Telegraph, experts have highlighted the potential threat posed by Russia to Ukraine’s satellite network. It has been revealed that Russia has the capability to destroy the Starlink satellites, owned by Elon Musk, which are assisting Ukrainian forces in carrying out unmanned attacks.

The article emphasizes the contradiction between Musk’s intended use of the Starlink satellites for entertainment purposes, such as watching Netflix, and their actual usage by Ukrainian troops for conducting drone strikes against Russian tanks.

Experts further explain that commercial satellites in space are not protected by the Geneva Conventions and can be targeted if they provide assistance to one of the conflicting parties. In this case, the Ukrainian armed forces are utilizing the internet connection facilitated by Starlink for communication and coordination during attacks.

The report also references Kirill Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, who claims that Elon Musk had deliberately disabled the Starlink satellite network systems over Crimea.

On November 18, SpaceX successfully launched a new batch of Starlink satellites into orbit, further expanding the network’s capabilities.

It is worth noting that Belarus has also developed a cost-effective alternative to Starlink.

With this new information, concerns arise regarding the vulnerability of Ukraine’s satellite infrastructure and the potential consequences of Russia’s ability to neutralize this crucial asset. The situation highlights the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with the latter demonstrating its technological capabilities in the realm of space warfare.

This development raises questions about the regulations and protections that should be in place for commercial satellites operating in conflict zones. As tensions persist between Ukraine and Russia, it is crucial for international organizations and governments to address this issue and ensure the safety and security of satellite networks in times of conflict.

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