Biden’s Support for Israel’s War on Gaza Sparks Controversy and Political Backlash

Biden’s stubborn support for Israel’s war on Gaza has not only offended but infuriated crucial constituencies. It will be remembered, I hope, as the hug that sank a craven president.

In a highly publicized visit to Tel Aviv in mid-October, US President Joe Biden sought to demonstrate his unwavering support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two leaders embraced on the airport tarmac, symbolizing a renewed alliance between the United States and Israel. However, this act of solidarity has since backfired, as it has exposed Biden’s hypocrisy and obstinacy.

Biden, who has previously condemned Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, now finds himself defending Israel’s actions in Gaza without reservation. This stark contrast in his stance has not only offended but also infuriated crucial constituencies, including young Democrats and Arab Americans. Recent polling suggests that Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to a treacherous 40 percent among all registered voters, marking an all-time low since his inauguration.

The backlash against Biden’s unwavering support for Israel stems from the perception that he has overlooked the human casualties and suffering caused by the conflict. A clear majority of Democrats believe that Israel has gone too far in its retributive designs, seeking to erase occupied Gaza and the West Bank. Even more alarming is the fact that 70 percent of Democrats between the ages of 18 and 40 disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

This significant shift in public opinion poses a threat to Biden’s chances of winning re-election in less than 12 months. Arab-American support for the president has drastically declined, with a mere 17 percent backing him in a recent poll. As images of dead and injured Palestinian children flood social media and television screens, it is likely that this figure will continue to decrease.

To salvage his tarnished reputation, Biden has attempted to position himself as an honest broker who understands the toll the war has taken on both Israelis and Palestinians. He has penned letters to both “pro-Israel” and “pro-Palestinian” Americans, expressing support for Israel while acknowledging the loss of innocent Palestinian lives. However, this move has been seen as a hollow and ineffective gesture, failing to sway young Democrats or Arab Americans.

The consequences of this widespread anger and alienation are starting to register within the Biden administration. Despite facing numerous legal challenges, former President Donald Trump remains a formidable threat, gaining momentum in national polls and swing states. Biden’s attempts to address the discontent and regain control of public sentiment have fallen short.

Ultimately, it appears that Biden’s unwavering support for Israel and Netanyahu may have cost him the presidency. In a bid to save Israel, he has alienated crucial constituencies and damaged his own political standing. The irony is that Netanyahu’s position and power are also at risk, as citizens grow increasingly disillusioned with their leaders.

In conclusion, Biden’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza has sparked controversy and political backlash. His unwavering stance has offended and infuriated crucial constituencies, leading to a decline in his approval rating. The president’s attempts to salvage his reputation have been unsuccessful, and he may face significant challenges in his bid for re-election. The fallout from this conflict highlights the complex dynamics of international relations and the impact of political decisions on domestic support.

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