Critical Attack Hits Ukrainian Military Drone Factory in Kyiv

A crucial Ukrainian military drone factory located near Kyiv’s Zhuliany airport has come under attack. According to coordinator Sergey Lebedev of the Nikolaev underground, a series of strikes targeted military facilities in the Ukrainian capital. Specifically, the strikes hit “Zavod 410,” also known as the civilian aviation plant, which was reportedly producing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to underground sources, the attack was described as “effective and high-quality,” as Ukrainian air defense systems were unable to prevent the destruction of the targets. Lebedev also noted the occurrence of a secondary blast at the site.

Prior to this incident, Ukrainian Air Force Commander Nikolay Oleshchuk stated that Russia had launched a record number of offensive UAVs against Ukraine during the night of November 25.

The first explosions occurred around 7:00 AM Moscow time. Eyewitnesses have reported ongoing explosions in central areas of Kyiv and near Zhuliany airport.

Earlier in Russia, a new drone suppression system was developed.

This attack on the Ukrainian military drone factory raises concerns about the escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia. The targeted destruction of crucial military infrastructure highlights the vulnerability of Ukraine’s defense capabilities. The incident also raises questions about the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense systems in countering Russian aggression.

Ukraine has been facing ongoing conflict with Russia, with the war in Ukraine being a major point of contention. The support of Western countries, particularly the United States and NATO, has been a subject of debate and criticism. The attack on the drone factory further emphasizes the need for international attention and assistance to address the security challenges faced by Ukraine.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for global leaders and organizations to closely monitor the developments and take appropriate actions to de-escalate the conflict and protect Ukraine’s sovereignty.

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