DeSantis Gains Support in Iowa for Tough Stance on Border, While Florida Residents Back Him for Local Accomplishments

Voters in Iowa have expressed their support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis due to his strong stance on the southern border, while residents in his home state seem to prioritize his local accomplishments. This discrepancy highlights the different concerns of voters in these two states.

In Iowa, supporters of DeSantis admire his willingness to be tough on the U.S. border, with many believing that his immigration policies have a national appeal. Concerns about national security and the potential for another 9/11 attack have resonated with these voters. A recent NBC News National poll showed that 74% of registered voters across the country support more funding for security along the U.S.-Mexico border, demonstrating that this issue is a top concern nationwide.

David Kochel, a longtime Iowa-based GOP strategist, emphasized the importance of showcasing a strong stance on securing the border for candidates hoping to do well in Iowa. He believes that DeSantis has effectively communicated his position on this issue, which is highly valued by voters in the state.

However, in Florida, voters are more focused on DeSantis’ local accomplishments. His handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, tax policy, education policy, and other issues have been praised by residents who believe he has effectively governed the state. One voter mentioned DeSantis’ feud with Disney as an example of his strong conservative policies.

According to Kochel, Florida residents have witnessed firsthand how DeSantis has implemented his policies and are therefore more aware of his local successes. This has allowed DeSantis to connect with voters in his home state on a different level compared to his campaign in Iowa.

As the first state to vote in the presidential nominating cycle, Iowa holds significant importance for GOP candidates leading up to the mid-January caucus. DeSantis recently secured an endorsement from influential evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats, which is highly valued in a state where evangelicals make up a significant portion of Republican voters. Vander Plaats’ endorsement has been historically accurate in predicting caucus winners.

While DeSantis has made significant progress in Iowa, the race for the GOP nomination is far from over. President Trump maintains a strong lead, with DeSantis and Nikki Haley tied for second place, according to an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll. Kochel believes that the real challenge is for Haley and DeSantis to emerge as the primary challengers to Trump after the first few states have voted.

DeSantis has been actively campaigning in Iowa, visiting 98 out of 99 counties as part of a statewide tour named after longtime Iowa senator Chuck Grassley. His strong ground game and traditional grassroots caucus campaign have resonated with Iowa voters. The endorsement from Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds, who successfully turned Florida red, has further bolstered DeSantis’ support in the state.

The Iowa caucus will set the stage for the rest of the primaries, as it is known for winnowing the field and determining the top contenders. The winner in Iowa remains uncertain, and Kochel predicts a surprise outcome. The caucus results will undoubtedly shape the dynamics of the race moving forward.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, DeSantis’ campaign continues to gain momentum. Stay tuned for more updates from the campaign trail and exclusive interviews with the candidates.

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