Escalating Violence and Property Theft by Israeli Settlers Plague Palestinian Farmers in West Bank

Emboldened by curfews and raids on Palestinians, illegal settlers have stepped up violence and property theft. Farmers in the occupied West Bank face near-daily incursions and violence from Israeli settlers, to the point that they live in fear of having their homes and land stolen, they say. Added to that is the violence they witness in nearby urban areas, like Jenin city and refugee camp that the Israeli army stepped up raids on, killing 10 people and wounding 20 in just one week. According to the Ministry of Health, at least 237 Palestinians have been killed and about 2,850 others injured by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank since October 7.

The escalating violence and property theft by Israeli settlers have created a nightmare for Palestinian farmers and their families. Ayman Assad, a 45-year-old farmer, and his family live just 2km (1.2 miles) from a refugee camp where attacks are frequent. The constant fear has prevented his children from playing outside and attending school. With the Israeli army blocking many roads in the area, all classes have gone online. Assad’s greatest worry now is the safety of his chicken farm, located in a different area of the West Bank. He fears that Israeli settlers might attack and steal his land while he is unable to defend it.

Palestine is renowned for its olives, olive oil, and vegetables, which are exported worldwide. However, Israeli settlers have been illegally settling in the Palestinian territory and causing destruction to olive groves, farmland, and property for years. These incursions have intensified in recent weeks, coinciding with Palestinians’ confinement to their homes under curfew. Abbas Milhem, director of the Palestinian Farmers’ Union, revealed that armed Israeli settlers invaded his own family’s farm, fired guns at the workers, and stole olives. The farm, situated in Area B of the West Bank, is now under military control.

The plight of Palestinian farmers is further exacerbated by restrictions on movement imposed by Israeli forces. The increased raids and curfews have significantly hindered their ability to work, leading to a 20 percent increase in poverty and a 4.2 percent decline in gross domestic product since October 7. Exports have come to a halt, and nearly 50 percent of olives remain unharvested. Salah Awwad, another Palestinian farmer, lost his home and land in August after settlers invaded, set his property on fire, and took over the land. Now residing in a different location, Awwad faces further challenges as settlers prevent him from working and grazing his sheep.

The escalating violence and property theft not only pose a threat to the livelihoods of Palestinian farmers but also raise concerns for their safety and the safety of their families. Israeli security forces have killed more Palestinians in the occupied West Bank this year than in any year since 2005, according to Human Rights Watch. The inability to move freely within the West Bank has created a crisis for Palestinians, with the UN reporting a significant increase in poverty and a decline in economic activity.

As the situation worsens, Palestinian farmers like Ayman Assad and Salah Awwad remain determined to hold onto their land and livelihoods, despite the constant fear and hardships they face. The international community must take notice of the escalating violence and property theft by Israeli settlers and work towards a peaceful resolution that ensures the safety and rights of Palestinian farmers in the West Bank.

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