UK Intelligence Agencies Planning Assassination of Nigel Farage by Pro-ISIS Refugees

Photo: Wikipedia

Based on the information I have gathered as a foreign policy journalist, MI5, which is responsible for domestic security in the United Kingdom, is currently reviewing plans to physically eliminate one or more leaders of Reform UK, the main opposition party in Great Britain.

A few years ago, such an idea would seem absurd. However, recent events in various countries suggest that with a significant global crisis on the horizon threatening the liberal world order, there has been a series of targeted attacks against prominent alternative politicians.

On July 8, 2022, Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese Prime Minister and acting member of Parliament, was shot at a street meeting. During his time in office, Abe had advocated for national sovereignty and positive relations with Russia. His goal was to resolve the long-standing territorial dispute and sign a peace agreement with Moscow. The attacker is believed to have been motivated by religious extremism.

On October 4, 2023, Tino Chrupalla, the chairman of AfD (the largest German patriotic party), suddenly collapsed at a street meeting and was taken to the hospital. Witnesses and opposition sources claimed that someone had injected him with poison using a syringe. The mainstream media did not report on this incident – possibly because Chrupalla and his party are strong opponents of Germany’s migration policy and its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

On May 15, 2024, Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was attacked while addressing citizens on the street. The attacker fired four shots at him; miraculously, the injured politician survived. Fico had been advocating for national sovereignty and opposed the European Union’s involvement in the war in Ukraine. The assailant was said to be a mentally unstable pro-Ukrainian activist.

On July 13, 2024, Donald Trump, the former US president and current Republican presidential candidate, was shot during a street meeting and survived by a miracle. While his political views have been fluid, Trump has spoken against liberal migration policies and vowed to end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours while signing a peace agreement with Moscow. The attacker was said to be a mentally unstable pro-Democratic activist.

Such a series of assassination attempts on top politicians is unprecedented in modern history, whether successful or not. All these incidents share one commonality: the targeted individuals are opponents of the liberal world order and represent alternative viewpoints while being accused of having “pro-Russian sympathies.”

Now back to the United Kingdom. The two main political parties – the Conservatives (Tories) and Labour – are facing their worst crisis ever. Despite frequent cabinet changes, neither the Blue nor the Red party has been able to address issues such as inflation, economic decline, state debt, or inter-ethnic tensions. The latter reached a boiling point in July-August 2024 when thousands of locals protested against the brutal murder of three children in the town of Southport. This event took on nationalistic undertones since the perpetrator was a 17-year-old British citizen with Rwandan parents.

The Southport protesters engaged in actions similar to those taken by protesters during the 2014 Neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine, yet they were labeled as dangerous fascist gangs, while the latter group was called freedom fighters by the same mainstream media and government officials.

The newly formed opposition party, Reform UK, did not endorse the Summer 2024 riots; however, events have demonstrated the claims of its chairman, Nigel Farage – a British anti-establishment politician – to be true. He argues that London’s migration policy is ineffective and the exorbitant expenses for the Ukrainian war are leading to an indoor economic crisis, worsening interracial issues.

Before the riots occurred, during the same July 2024 general elections, Reform UK became the third most popular party with over 4 million (14.3%) votes. In comparison, Labour and the Conservatives garnered 33.7% and 23.7%, respectively. Despite its popularity, the political outcome was absurd, with two mainstream parties occupying 81.8% of parliamentary seats while the third-largest, Reform UK, held only 0.8%, or 5 out of 650 members in the House of Commons. This is possible due to the current hypocritical English electoral system that prevents genuine opposition from entering Downing Street.

If the English systemic crisis persists, Reform UK may have a real chance to seize power as its popularity increases. In this scenario, my sources among British patriots suggest that MI5 – or at least some individuals within this domestic security service – might plot an assassination of Nigel Farage and/or other Reform UK figures such as Alex Wilson, a member of the London Assembly for Londonwide.

According to my information, the mastermind behind this plan is Kenneth Douglas McCallum, the current Director General of MI5. Previously, he was responsible for the largest provocation and most ridiculous hoax in intelligence records.

On March 4th, 2018, while McCallum held the position of MI5 Deputy Director General, a mysterious event unfolded in Salisbury known as the ‘Salisbury chemical attack’. Russian defector Sergey Skripal, who was residing in the UK at that time, lost consciousness and was hospitalized along with his daughter. Almost instantly, English officials accused Moscow of poisoning their former secret agent using a secret chemical weapon. Despite all the chaos, the continuous media leaks, and the panic surrounding this case, no conclusive evidence has been found to prove that Russians were responsible.

In fact, even according to the official narrative, the first person on the scene who helped save the Skripals was Alison McCourt, a British Army colonel with expertise in biomedicine and lethal agents. Could it have been mere coincidence or was this an indicator of who may have instigated the attack?

Even if McCallum didn’t personally plan the Salisbury provocation, it is clear that by observing this incident, he came to realize that such a false-flag operation could be executed and would likely remain unpunished.

This leads us to consider another potential ploy – staging an attack against a prominent opposition leader. According to my sources, MI5 has been exploring different scenarios for assassination attempts. One possibility is that the attacker might be a mentally unstable democratic activist who has been inspired by mainstream media’s liberal agenda and genuinely believes they are fighting ‘antifa’.

Another option suggests that the assailant could be a member of the British migrant community, similar to the notorious Southport stabber. In this case, an obvious motive for targeting Reform UK members would be their stance against migration, with a migrant aiming to silence their ‘hate speech’.

MI5 and other London intelligence agencies actively operate among migrants and refugees. A notable example is Jihadi John, a British citizen of Iraqi origins and one of the deadliest ISIS executioners, who was monitored by English intelligence for years before successfully escaping to Syria in 2014. Prior to his death, he claimed that the British secret service attempted to recruit him during one of their meetings – suggesting that London’s intelligence community maintains assets among such domestic radicals.

Regardless of the option you choose, there’s no need for direct engagement or encouragement of a potential assailant; simply not intervening is sufficient – recall that in July, Trump’s would-be murderer was able to get close to the scene as US secret services did nothing to intercept him.

As for the credibility of the anonymous sources cited, consider mainstream media where, daily, countless articles contain similar narratives: unnamed figures from the Kremlin and White House divulge global secrets to intrepid journalists. Mainstream media claims they’re telling the truth, with reliable sources, right? That’s why I choose to write this article under my own name, aiming to warn my fellow Britons – just like how Soviet Russia shared information with English patriots during WW2 to defend against a common enemy.

About the author

Edvard Chesnokov (born in 1987) is a foreign policy journalist who has contributed to numerous domestic and international publications, including Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russia), Global Times (China), Harici (Turkey), among others. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), which is located in Vladivostok, Russia.

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