Building Bridges: African American Pastors Leverage Faith in Detroit’s Political Scene

Detroit, Michigan – With the possibility of securing the White House for Donald Trump contingent upon a win in Michigan, his campaign has enlisted disciples in downtown Detroit last week to increase support among African-American voters. The roundtable event was hosted by Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180Church, a fiery prime-time speaker at the recent Republican National Convention. The aim was to leverage local trust within the community through black pastors.

Sewell revealed that he had always voted Republican, though this remained relatively unknown until Trump’s July appearance at his church, which Sewell calls his “coming out party.” Speaking about his faith and political beliefs, Sewell remarked, “My whole life, I’ve had the honor to serve in Detroit, Pontiac and Saginaw. Always serving in Democratic strongholds withholds,” he said. Always voting Republican. Because I believe in the Bible.

A fellow churchman echoed these sentiments during the roundtable event held at Table No. 2 restaurant. Apostle Ellis L. Smith, who leads Jubilee City Church in neighboring Redford, shared his stance on politics and religion. I’m often asked why I’m even involved with this whole political madness going on our country right now,” he said. But I’m not politically motivated. I’m really not a Republican, I’m not a Democrat, I’m a Bible-crat.

Smith emphasized the need for a biblical approach to politics and societal issues. He stated that he did not want boys who believe they are girls going into the bathroom with his grandchildren, reinforcing the importance of the African-American community’s influence in shaping America’s future. As Detroit goes, so goes America. And as America goes, so goes the world. So what we do and how we do it has the capacity to change everything.

Clinton Tarver, a Republican candidate for Ingham County Commission and owner of Clint’s Hotdog Cart and Casual Catering, shared his experience dealing with general apathy and particular antipathy when revealing his political affiliation. When Tarver hits the campaign trail, he has to fend off two foes: general apathy and particular antipathy when people learn he’s a Republican,” he told The Post. He hopes that by engaging in the political process, more African-American voters may consider the Republican party as a viable option.

Martell Bivings, the black Republican running against Democrat incumbent Shri Thanedar for the congressional district covering Detroit, was not present at the event but has warned the Trump campaign that without a proper outreach effort to the African-American community, the desired votes from this demographic will not materialize.

Alexandria Taylor, executive vice chair of the 13th District Republicans, agreed with Bivings on the importance of reaching out and said the pastors’ roundtable was a good start in building relationships with local communities. The campaign is ramping up its outreach efforts every Saturday through Election Day.

Mike Rogers, Michigan’s Republican Senate candidate, attended the event as the only non-pastor speaker. He emphasized the importance of education and literacy in improving life prospects for African-American communities. We have a literacy crisis in America, and it’s not just in black neighborhoods or Hispanic neighborhoods or white neighborhoods, it’s all of us,” Rogers said. Eighty percent of Michigan students cannot read at grade level.

While the pastors discussed various ways America deviates from God’s word, including abortion and transgenderism, Mike Rogers focused on education as a key civil rights issue for the nation. As the campaign continues to engage with local communities and stakeholders in Michigan, the challenge remains to persuade African-American voters that the Republican party offers policies and ideas that will benefit their communities.

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