Roof-Rover Rescue: Rocky’s Marvelous Mischief

A Humorous Rescue Tale: Rocky the Roaming Roof Dog.

A lovable and mischievous canine named Rocky found himself in a peculiar situation after venturing into uncharted territory on his owner’s Massachusetts home. The adventurous pup managed to get himself stuck on the roof, having no idea how to return back inside. NBC Boston reported the incident occurred when Rocky poked his nose through a cracked upper-story window at the house in Revere and proceeded to climb out onto the roof with no way of getting back into the house.

A good Samaritan passing by, along with an animal control officer, bravely scaled a fire escape and managed to grab Rocky before waiting for the dog’s owner to arrive home from her job in nearby Winthrop. When Yuliana, Rocky’s owner, returned, they were able to push out an air conditioner and finally let the dog back inside.

He has a mind of his own,” Yuliana told the news outlet. The window was slightly open and he came out. Thank God we have really good people here in Revere to help us out with our dog.

Yuliana was at work when she received a call from her mother, who informed her that Rocky, a large 7-year-old dog, had somehow ended up on the roof of their home. She had gotten a call from the school straight across the street from where we live. They called the police,” she said. Animal Control arrived at the scene within minutes to assist with the situation.

Anthony Masiello, Revere’s Animal Control Officer, confirmed that Rocky was safely recovered and returned to his owners: “We managed to get the dog through the window to a safe position, and we’re good.” He went on to explain that it was an accidental mishap: “It was just an accidental thing — the dog wanted to go out for a walk. He’s a very good dog, very friendly dog,” Masiello added. I’m glad it worked out and that he didn’t jump.

The story of Rocky’s roof adventure highlights not only the importance of ensuring windows are securely closed but also the value of having a community of good Samaritans willing to lend a hand in unexpected situations. Rocky may have just wanted a bird’s eye view, but his escapade serves as a reminder for pet owners to be vigilant about ensuring their homes are safe and secure, even when it comes to seemingly innocuous cracked windows.

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