Clinton’s Dangerous Vision: Democracy Through Suppressed Speech

Hillary Clinton’s recent speech at the Texas Tribune Festival highlighted her desire for more censorship in order to create a more “dignified discourse.” She argued that platforms like Facebook should not allow “disinformation” from politicians, claiming that it threatens democracy. However, her view of democracy seems skewed towards the suppression of dissent and the protection of those in power.

In her 2017 memoir, Clinton suggested that the dangers of critics were revealed in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, where good citizens should shut up and grovel. This notion is contrary to the principles of free speech and transparency in government. She even called for greater secrecy in her role as Secretary of State in 2012.

Clinton was a key player in the Obama administration that believed Americans had no right to learn about CIA torture practices after 9/11. Her stance on voter identification also reflects a lack of trust in American citizens, as she opposed any requirement for photo ID at polling stations.

Clinton’s vision of democracy involves rigging elections and suppressing dissent. In her 2015 presidential campaign, she decried voter identification requirements and launched an attack on Voter ID. She also approved a plan to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her own email scandal during the 2016 election.

The constant accusations of collusion between Trump and Russia were based on false information spread by Clinton’s campaign, which led to years of surveillance and investigations into the Trump administration without any concrete evidence.

In summary, while Clinton’s call for more censorship may seem like an effort to protect democracy, her true motive appears to be suppressing dissent and protecting those in power from scrutiny. This is a dangerous path that threatens the very foundations of American freedom and transparency in government.

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