Title: “Cards Against Humanity Sues Elon Musk for $15M Over Damaged Border Wall Land & SpaceX Construction Impacts

Cards Against Humanity is taking legal action against billionaire Elon Musk and his company SpaceX, demanding $15 million for damages to a plot of land near the Texas-Mexico border. The popular party game’s company purchased the land through crowdfunding in 2017 with the intention of making it as difficult as possible for former President Donald Trump to build his infamous border wall. According to the lawsuit, SpaceX allegedly trespassed on and trashed the pristine land without permission, using it as a dumping ground and staging area for construction projects related to its Starbase facility. The board game company claims that this unauthorized use has not only caused significant harm to the property but has also negatively impacted their relationship with their supporters who funded the land purchase. Cards Against Humanity is seeking compensation from Musk, either through a cash settlement or by taking ownership of Twitter, which the billionaire recently purchased for $44 billion. In addition to this lawsuit, SpaceX has faced criticism and environmental concerns due to its activities at the Starbase site, with some residents accusing Musk of “destroying” the area and causing harm to local ecosystems.

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