Gunman’s Rampage in Bronx Hospital Emergency Room: Sentenced for First-Degree Assault

On January 25, 2022, a gunman named Keber Martinez entered the emergency room at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx and began firing his weapon indiscriminately. The attack left one man injured and sent dozens of staff members and patients running for cover. During the spree, a bullet lodged in a wall close to a woman holding a baby, showing the gunman’s complete disregard for the safety of others inside the facility.

Martinez was seen on surveillance footage wearing a dark hoodie and standing at a desk within the emergency waiting area when he suddenly pulled out a gun and began firing multiple rounds at another man. The victim, a 35-year-old male, was hit in his left arm as Martinez fired four shots at him. In the panic that followed, other people inside the waiting area ducked under chairs and furniture for protection until the assailant fled the scene on foot. A trail of blood leading to the victim was discovered shortly after.

In the wake of the incident, the hospital temporarily shut down while authorities tended to the injured man who had been taken to the operating room for treatment. Meanwhile, police apprehended Martinez approximately 12 hours later in Harlem. His capture was made possible by his hospital check-in information, which detailed complaints about asthma issues and helped officers track him down.

Martinez’s arrest occurred when his sister called 911 to report that her brother was behaving erratically, claiming he heard voices and possessed a gun. It is believed that the shooter and his victim had some prior knowledge of each other.

On Thursday, Keber Martinez, now 25 years old, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to first-degree assault for his role in the terrifying emergency room attack. In addition to this lengthy sentence, Martinez will also be subject to five years of post-release supervision upon completion of his incarceration.

Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark released a statement regarding the sentencing, emphasizing that “the defendant’s violent actions have now been answered with a substantial prison sentence.” With this ruling, the victims and witnesses affected by Martinez’s reckless behavior can begin to heal knowing that justice has been served.

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