Rising Crime in Manhattan North: A Blip on the City’s Safer Path

The Big Apple’s bustling tourist hub is grappling with an alarming spike in violent crime even as Mayor Eric Adams prepares to deliver a State of the City speech celebrating the five boroughs’ safer environment. According to NYPD crime statistics, from September 8 compared to the same period in 2023, robberies have soared by more than 90%, felony assaults jumped almost 73% and burglaries increased by 58% within the Manhattan North Precinct that covers popular tourist destinations like Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Plaza, the Theater District, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

The precinct also reported three murders, one more than last year in the same period, and two additional rapes, increasing from seven last year to nine this year. A security guard working at Eighth Avenue and West 47th Street told The Post on Sunday that “society is a mess” and expressed his concerns about drugs and homelessness dominating everyday life in the area.

These statistics are contrasting sharply with citywide figures for the same period, which show an overall decline of 2.5% in crime across the five boroughs, including a nearly 13% dip in murder cases. Mayor Adams’ State of the City address is expected to focus on these improved numbers and highlight his administration’s efforts in enhancing public safety and justice.

Despite the surge in violent crime within Manhattan North, some local residents and merchants have acknowledged that the situation has improved compared to recent times. A 55-year-old local named Ojo mentioned how problems on their block come in waves and are promptly addressed when they arise. He also spoke about the effectiveness of a block association, which helps keep neighborhood issues under control.

However, not all areas within the precinct have experienced improved safety. The subway system has seen its murder rate rise by 60% this year, with eight people killed in the subways so far compared to five over the same time span last year. This marks a significant increase from previous years when there were never more than five murders recorded within the entire subway system in any given year between 1997 and 2020, according to NYPD data.

In Manhattan North, which sees steady tourist traffic, especially with the holiday season approaching, violent crime has become a recent outlier. NYPD statistics show that the area experienced 158 robberies through September 8 this year, up from 83 over the same period last year for an increase of 90.4. The number of felony assaults reported in the area also rose to 204, compared to just 118 last year, a surge of 72.9%, while burglaries increased by 58% from 88 last year to 139 this year.

The neighboring Midtown South Precinct also reported a significant overall crime drop of more than 10% compared to last year but recorded four murders, two more than last year, and 20 rapes so far this year compared to 10 over the same span in 2023. The precinct covers other city landmarks such as Penn Station, Madison Square Garden, and Greeley Square. A bustling block along Eighth Avenue within the Midtown South Precinct has been dubbed the “Strip of Despair” due to its prevalence of open-air drug use, emotionally disturbed vagrants, and brazen shoplifters.

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