Red Trump Cookies vs Blue Harris Cookies: Bakery Takes Election Pulse

Lochel’s Bakery in Hatboro, Pennsylvania is adding a fun and interactive twist to the upcoming presidential election. The small-town bakery is using cookies – specifically red Trump cookies and blue Harris cookies – as a means of gauging customer support for their preferred candidate. As of Friday morning, the bakery had sold an impressive 5,200 Trump cookies compared to just 500 Harris cookies, highlighting a strong preference among customers from across the country.

Bakery owner, Kathleen Lochel, shared her thoughts on the sales discrepancy with “Fox & Friends First”, saying that she believes people all over support President Trump. She also noted that her customers have been expressing their concerns about the high costs associated with the Biden-Harris administration and how it is affecting their lives.

The bakery itself has not been immune to the effects of increased prices, as Lochel explained that they have not raised their prices in three years on almost all items. Despite this, they are trying to maintain consumer confidence by keeping their prices stable. However, she acknowledged that her husband believes it cannot continue indefinitely due to the unsustainable costs.

Interestingly, Lochel credits the cookie competition for saving her bakery during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when they were on the brink of closure. The sales from the cookies allowed them to remain operational and maintain their business. She also mentioned that a visit from Eric Trump to purchase the cookies further helped the bakery survive the financial challenges brought on by the pandemic.

Approximately one-third of the cookies have been shipped to outside states, with the remaining portion staying in Pennsylvania. Lochel revealed that almost all the shipments within the battleground state have been red cookies, indicating a strong preference for Trump among customers in this key swing state. The bakery has been hosting an informal poll since 2012 and has successfully predicted the outcome of three out of the last four elections. However, their winning streak ended in 2020 when sales of Trump cookies surpassed Biden cookies by a significant margin.

Despite the political nature of the cookie competition, Lochel’s Bakery has made it clear that they maintain a neutral stance and welcome customers with varying political opinions. They have emphasized the lighthearted nature of this project through social media posts, encouraging people to “Keep calm. it’s a cookie.

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