Honoring Heroes: Firefighters Run for 9/11 Fallen, Raise Funds

On Wednesday, dozens of firefighters and their loved ones embarked on a 34.3-mile run from Long Island to Ground Zero to honor the memory of the 343 FDNY members who perished in the September 11 attacks in 2001. The group consisted of 15 dedicated runners, accompanied by another 50 cyclists providing crucial support and nutrition throughout the journey that lasted nearly nine hours.

The run started at 8:47 a.m., one minute after observing a moment of silence for the first plane strike into the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex. The route traversed through three boroughs, ending at One World Trade Center. As they approached their destination and caught a glimpse of the Freedoms Tower with half a mile left to go, the firefighters were filled with a wave of emotion from the overwhelming support and encouragement from onlookers.

The annual event, organized by Etan Blatt—a seasoned runner and firefighter—is now in its fourth year. The journey commemorates the 34.3 Foundation’s primary mission: to honor the memory of the FDNY members killed that day 23 years ago. Throughout their run, the group made stops at various firehouses, observing five moments of silence for major milestones in the national tragedy. They also carried a wooden American flag placard, which they presented to Hook and Ladder Company 3 in Union Square—just four miles from the finish line.

The foundation aims to raise funds throughout the year for FDNY firehouses and families suffering line-of-duty deaths. It offers financial support for housing costs, food, and funeral expenses. This summer, they raised an estimated $20,000. The event’s overwhelming success in its fourth year is a testament to the continued support for these brave first responders and their families.

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