Casey Anthony and the Married Man: Dating App Controversy Erupts

Casey Anthony, infamous for her acquittal in the murder trial of her two-year-old daughter Caylee in 2011, has found herself at the center of another controversy. This time, she is facing trouble with her married boyfriend, Tyson Ray Rhodes. Rhodes has reportedly been using dating app Hinge to try and hook up with other women, despite being involved with Anthony.

Rhodes blew up his 20-year marriage after he moved from Florida to Tennessee for his relationship with Anthony, who also relocated from Florida earlier this year. The two have been dating since January, when they met at a South Florida gym. Family sources reveal that Rhodes told the mother of his two sons that he wanted a divorce shortly after moving to Tennessee.

However, Rhodes has not yet filed for divorce, and both Anthony and Rhodes are still listed as married in official documents. The couple’s relationship has raised eyebrows, with some sources saying that Anthony may not care whether her boyfriend is still married or not.

Anthony was acquitted of murder charges but convicted on four counts of lying to law enforcement officers during the investigation into Caylee’s disappearance. Despite her infamy, she continues to live a life of her choosing, even if it means dating a married man who is using dating apps to meet other women.

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