Traditional Living with a Twist: A Modern Homemaker Revolutionizes Junk Food

A California mother has gained widespread attention for her embrace of a traditional, homemaker lifestyle while creating unprocessed versions of classic junk food items like Cheez-Its and Oreos. Gretchen Adler, a San Diego resident who describes herself as enjoying an “ancestral diet,” is facing backlash from critics who argue that this type of lifestyle sets women back decades by reinforcing traditional gender roles in which women are expected to be homemakers and wives. Despite the criticism, Adler remains steadfast in her belief that many women are looking for a return to a slower-paced lifestyle, one that prioritizes spending time with their family over pursuing careers.

Adler’s journey into this traditional lifestyle began when she was pregnant with her second child and found herself preparing to move. When a hen appeared on her doorstep and laid an egg, she realized the potential benefits of having a coop at home and started learning how to cook from scratch. Today, she raises six chickens, has three dogs, and creates everything from sour cream to cooking oils to bread. Despite her choice to focus on traditional roles in the household, Adler still pursues higher education and has built a business empire around her master class, The Nourishing Kitchen, which has led her following to skyrocket to 430,000 on Instagram and 75,000 on TikTok.

Other women have also embraced this traditional lifestyle and become icons in the “trad” community, like model Nara Smith and Mrs. Utah 2021 Hannah Neeleman, who is a mother of eight. These women often face mockery and criticism for their choices, with some even teaching their daughters that it’s acceptable to depend on a man. Critics argue that this trend romanticizes an era of sexism and forces women into submission, reversing the progress made by women in recent decades. However, supporters argue that choosing a traditional lifestyle can be empowering and allows women to prioritize the health and happiness of their families while still pursuing passions and goals in life.

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