Shocked Radio Host Sues Over Sound Speaker Injury at Charity Gala

In a shocking turn of events at a charity gala held on June 7, 2023, WABC radio host Rita Cosby found herself nursing a painful wound after being hit by a falling sound speaker. The former television anchor has since filed a lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court, alleging that she was injured during the Catholic Charities event at the Museum of Natural History.

The plaintiff, who is 59 years old, has had a longstanding career as a journalist and author. She worked with Fox News between 1995 and 2005 and currently co-hosts the popular “Cats & Cosby” show on WABC radio. In her lawsuit, Rita Cosby maintains that she sustained serious injuries due to the incident, although she has not elaborated on their nature.

In an attempt to seek compensation for her ordeal, Rita Cosby is suing several entities, including the city of New York, Catholic Charities, and a Staten Island-based company named Pro Sho Sound Services. The latter provided video, audio, and staging services for the fundraiser in question. While it remains unclear how much money she hopes to secure through her legal action, Cosby is seeking unspecified damages from these defendants.

As of yet, neither Pro Sho Sound nor the city Law Department have issued any statements regarding the lawsuit. However, it seems that Rita Cosby’s pursuit of justice will continue as she seeks redress for the unfortunate incident that occurred at a charity event intended to support Catholic Charities and their mission to assist those in need.

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