Wearable Panic Buttons: A New Approach to School Safety

In the wake of the recent school shooting tragedy in Georgia, teachers at Apalachee High School near Atlanta relied on a wearable panic button security system to alert local law enforcement as swiftly as possible. These panic buttons were introduced just last week and have been crucial in helping the authorities respond quickly and potentially save lives.

Chris Hosey, director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, praised the protocols put in place by the school, stating that they prevented what could have been a much larger tragedy than the one experienced on that fateful day. The 14-year-old shooter, Colt Gray, took the lives of two students and two teachers before law enforcement arrived at the scene.

The panic buttons were distributed among each teacher and staff member at the school in the form of identification badges containing these emergency devices. Each button had a clear set of instructions: Press it three times for everyday emergencies such as injured students or student fist fights, but press it repeatedly for campus-wide threats like an active shooter situation.

When Colt Gray began shooting, teachers quickly pressed the panic buttons multiple times, setting off a flurry of alerts and prompting law enforcement to immediately mobilize around Apalachee High School. The panic buttons were developed by the Georgia-based safety solutions company Centegix, and some teachers have spoken out about their effectiveness in dealing with dangerous situations like the one experienced that day.

Social studies teacher Stephen Kreyenbuhl shared his experience of being mentally prepared to fight back with a pair of scissors he had in his pocket during the shooting. As emergency procedures began even before gunshots were heard, it became clear how vital these panic buttons are for the safety and well-being of students, teachers, and staff at schools across the nation.

Advocates for school safety are promoting Alyssa’s Law, a measure enacted in seven states that would require schools to install silent panic alarms directly linked to law enforcement. Nine other states are considering passing this legislation, demonstrating how important it is for educational institutions to prioritize the protection and security of their students and staff.

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