Uncovering Ancient Secrets: Wild Rice Harvest Unveils 300-Year-Old Skeletal Remains in Leech Lake

People harvesting wild rice from Leech Lake, Minnesota’s third-largest lake, have discovered human skeletal remains that are believed to be several hundred years old. The remains surfaced on the shores of the lake and are thought to belong to at least three people. Covering more than 100,000 acres, Leech Lake is located primarily within the Leech Lake Indian Reservation in the north-central part of the state.

Several tribes have called the area home throughout history, with the most recent inhabitants being the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Police Chief Ken Washington explained that remains occasionally surface due to natural erosion of water coming up on shorelines. Cass County Sheriff Bryan Welk noted that rice harvesters typically use a canoe with a push pole or paddles to collect the rice, which holds spiritual, cultural, nutritional, and economic significance for Ojibwe, Dakota, and other tribal communities.

When the harvesters spotted the remains on land, they contacted law enforcement authorities. Deputies determined that the remains were ancient, prompting them to reach out to the Leech Lake Heritage Sites program, which conducts archaeological research in the area. The Minnesota Indian Affairs Council was also called upon to assist, with the goal of handling the remains in a culturally appropriate manner.

Sheriff Welk explained that besides erosion, construction projects can also unearth remains. He said this happens a couple of times a year but can go several years without occurrences. It just depends,” he added.

Authorities advised people to contact law enforcement if they come across suspected human remains and to avoid disturbing the area. The joint statement from tribal and county law enforcement emphasized that preserving vital evidence is essential, as well as being respectful towards those who were here before us.

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