Misled by Tahini: A Sesame Allergy Nightmare at Oren’s Daily Roast

An Upper West Side mother with a severe sesame allergy experienced a life-threatening reaction after consuming a chocolate chip cookie containing tahini at Oren’s Daily Roast in Manhattan. The barista had reassured her that the cookie was free of sesame seeds, unaware that tahini is made from sesame seeds. Melissa Schwartz Nemeth, 36, had to be hospitalized and continues to undergo medical treatment months after the incident, according to her lawsuit.

The woman’s husband, Greg Nemeth, told The Post that his wife always asks if food contains sesame before eating it. However, she was misinformed by the barista who said the cookie contained no sesame, even though it was made with tahini. Melissa then went into anaphylactic shock, her throat closing up. Fortunately, she had her EpiPen and managed to get home safely.

Melissa’s lawyer, Scott Koltun, pointed out that the coffee shop failed to listen when she informed them of her severe allergy nor did they have any information about common allergens listed on labels or menus near the cookie display. Last year, a state law was passed requiring food establishments to post a “food allergy awareness” poster. However, there is no current requirement for listing allergens on menus.

The cookie in question was not made in-house and has since been labeled as a tahini chocolate chip cookie on the menu. The Nemeths’ attorney emphasized the importance of employee education about the ingredients they are selling. Melissa previously sued an East Village Mexican restaurant over a similar sesame exposure incident but settled out of court.

Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) expressed concern over sesame not being well-known or disclosed in food establishments and highlighted the need for better restaurant training and clearer food allergen labeling. Greg Nemeth said his family is now cooking most of their meals at home, with Melissa still “seeing multiple doctors” due to ongoing medical issues caused by her severe reaction. The couple’s 4-year-old daughter found the experience of watching her mother struggle for breath terrifying.

Oren’s Daily Roast has not yet responded to a request for comment on this case.

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