Hochul Stands Firm: New York’s Energy Future Without Fracking

Governor Kathy Hochul emphasized that she will not allow fracking for natural gas in New York, despite Vice President Kamala Harris stating her support for such drilling during a recent CNN interview. The Democratic governor made this clear during a “future energy economy summit” in Syracuse, where she insisted that the state would focus on carbon-free power generated by offshore wind, solar, geothermal or other types of energy.

Hochul’s stance comes after Vice President Harris said she would not ban fracking if elected president, a major reversal from her position during her first run for the White House in 2020. Fracking is a popular method in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state for the presidency.

The governor’s stance on fracking differs significantly from that of former Governor Andrew Cuomo, who banned the practice in New York in 2014 after a health department study cited public health risks due to potential groundwater contamination. Despite years of study and controversy surrounding the issue, there is little support within the Democratic-run legislature for revisiting the ban on fracking.

A report by the Manhattan Institute think tank a decade ago estimated that allowing fracking in New York’s Southern Tier and Western regions could create 15,000 to 18,000 jobs and generate up to $11.4 billion in economic output and $1.4 billion in state and local tax revenue.

While Governor Hochul is committed to an “all above approach” for energy generation, she remains firmly against fracking and coal-based power production in the state.

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