Giuliani’s Yankees Memorabilia on the Line: Georgia Poll Workers Seek Assets for $148M Defamation Judgement

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani may face losing some of his prized possessions, including an extensive collection of New York Yankees memorabilia, as two Georgia election workers seek to seize the former mayor’s personal property to satisfy a $148 million defamation judgement.

Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss filed a motion in New York’s southern district federal court on Friday, asking a judge to enforce the December 2023 judgment against Giuliani by compelling him to turn over certain property – including his Madison Avenue apartment, extensive watch collection, autographed baseball memorabilia, and three Yankees World Series rings.

The Atlanta poll workers also asked the judge to put Giuliani into receivership in order to take his Palm Beach condominium and argued that they are entitled to $2 million in fees Giuliani claims he is owed by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Mr. Giuliani has proven time and again that he will never voluntarily comply with court orders, much less voluntarily satisfy Plaintiffs’ judgment,” lawyers for Freeman and Moss wrote in a court filing, explaining why the seizure of Giuliani’s assets is necessary.

At every step, Mr. Giuliani has chosen evasion, obstruction, and outright disobedience,” the attorneys added. That strategy reaches the end of the line here.

Freeman and Moss are seeking to take custody of several items Giuliani disclosed ownership of during his bankruptcy case, which was dismissed last month. These include a Madison Avenue apartment, an extensive watch collection, autographed baseball memorabilia, and three Yankees World Series rings.

A spokesman for Giuliani told The Post that the filing from the poll workers is an attempt to “harass and intimidate” the former mayor before he appeals the defamation verdict.

The appeal of the objectively unreasonable $148 million verdict hasn’t even been heard, yet opposing counsel continues to take steps designed to harass and intimidate Mayor Rudy Giuliani,” Ted Goodman, Giuliani’s spokesman, told The Post.

This lawsuit has always been designed to censor and bully the mayor, and to deter others from exercising their right to speak up and to speak out,” he added. America is facing an existential crisis.

We were once a country that put a premium on free speech and the integrity of our justice system, yet we now live in a time where the justice system has been weaponized against Mayor Giuliani and so many others for strictly partisan political purposes.” Goodman said.

A federal jury in Washington, DC, awarded $75 million in punitive damages to Moss and Freeman, as well as $20 million to each woman for emotional distress after two days of deliberations last December. Moss was also awarded just under $17 million for defamation, while Freeman received nearly $16.2 million.

The two women accused Giuliani of defaming them and destroying their reputations after he alleged that they worked to cheat Trump out of the 2020 election.

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