Revolutionizing Education: CA Schools Tackle Housing Crisis & Upgrade Policies

California is facing an unprecedented housing crisis. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond recently hosted a summit featuring state leaders to discuss strategies for accelerating access to affordable housing, particularly for working-class Californians. The focus was on utilizing the 75,000 acres of surplus land owned by school districts throughout the state to construct 2.3 million housing units for teachers, staff and students. Thurmond’s initiative aligns with the Teacher Housing Act of 2016, which permits school districts to seek out housing project funding sources, such as federal and state tax credits. The California Department of Education has also sponsored a workshop for education officials to learn about real estate development. Some districts have already started working on staff housing projects, utilizing existing properties or purchasing new ones through partnerships with non-profit organizations.

California schools are introducing a number of new laws governing safety, health and inclusivity for the upcoming school year. Among these is a recess requirement, which mandates public schools to provide at least 30 minutes of recess on regular days and 15 minutes on shortened days. Another law prohibits school staff from disclosing a student’s gender identity, sexual orientation or gender expression to parents without the student’s consent. Climate change education is also now required in science curricula for grades 1-12. K-12 schools must integrate media literacy into their curricula and schools serving grades 7-12 must educate students on the dangers of opioids, including fentanyl, and include this information in their safety plans. Schools can no longer suspend students for disruptions or defiance but must provide in-school interventions or support instead. Finally, students are now allowed a full day per semester to attend religious events, up from the previous four-hour limit.

The Epoch Times has reached out to the California Teachers Association for comment on this initiative and the evolving landscape of California’s educational system.

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