Battle for Randall’s Island: Police Crack Down on Rogue Migrants’ Encampment

It is evident that a cat-and-mouse game has begun between the NYPD and Parks Police officers and the rogue migrants who have established an illegal encampment and open-air market peddling drugs on Randall’s Island in Manhattan. The police force has been actively dismantling this encampment for two consecutive days, with no signs of ceasing their efforts.

An NYPD inspector informed that the officers are focusing on stopping any illegal vending activities and removing anything that could lead to dangerous conditions. This includes barbecues and propane bottles, among other items. The process is expected to be time-consuming, as it will likely take multiple attempts to eradicate this issue fully.

In one of the recent instances, police arrested a scooter-riding asylum seeker during their operation. Besides this, they have also confiscated 11 mopeds, empty tents, and shut down five illegal vending tables, while picking up trash and debris across the area.

The migrants, however, remain defiant. Despite losing some of their merchandise, many rolled up their tents and waited for the police presence to subside before setting up their encampment once more. One asylum seeker explained that they are living in this manner because Randall’s Island does not provide shelter for migrants.

The first wave of police intervention occurred on Wednesday when NYPD officers dismantled a massive trash-strewn encampment outside the city-funded 3,000-bed mega-shelter on Randall’s Island. Migrants had been camping out in at least 50 tents and selling food, cigarettes, and weed from a row of tables along a walking path.

On Thursday, more than 80 uniformed personnel – NYPD, FDNY, and Parks Department officers and workers – arrived on the scene shortly after 3 p.m. Earlier in the day, humanitarian workers contracted by the city attempted to negotiate with the rogue migrant group but left before the police showed up.

The workers were hired by the city last year as part of an emergency contract for tent services at Randall’s Island. The city awarded Armand Corp., a major city construction management consultant, $695,000 to provide these services. Officials from City Hall did not immediately respond to requests for comment on this matter.

As the police continued their operations, they handcuffed one migrant who had been speeding over the Randall’s Island footbridge on a scooter, crashing into the police officers present at the scene. Cops then spread out throughout the area and began confiscating merchandise while providing plastic trash bags to help collect belongings.

Despite these measures, one officer was heard telling a group of asylum seekers that they could not live in the park, but were given black garbage bags to pack up their tents and leave. In January, similar efforts were made by police and parks workers to dismantle an encampment on Randall’s Island; however, it was reestablished overnight despite repeated warnings.

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