California Lawmaker Switches Parties, Cites ‘Wrong Direction

In an effort to save her state from heading in the wrong direction under a Democratic supermajority, California state lawmaker Marie Alvarado-Gil announced on Thursday that she has switched affiliation to the Republican Party. Alvarado-Gil represents the state’s fourth Senate district and explained her decision by stating that she was elected to serve the public, not a political ideology.

Alvarado-Gil joined the Senate Republican Caucus and party after deep reflection and to help “in their fight to fix California.” However, Democratic state Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire expressed disappointment in her decision, stating that the voters who elected her in 2022 trusted her to represent them and she has now betrayed that trust.

Alvarado-Gil’s decision gives Republicans nine votes in the 40-member Senate, although they still remain well under the majority needed to control the chamber. California currently has a Democrat supermajority in both the Assembly and the Senate. Despite having more power and ability in the state Legislature, Alvarado-Gil claims that since she was elected, she’s had a front-row seat to watching the Democratic supermajority push California in what she considers a wrong direction.

Alvarado-Gil has been known for working with Republicans and splitting from Democrats on certain issues. State Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones welcomed her to the GOP, stating that it takes courage for a lawmaker to stand up to the supermajority as she has done. Alvarado-Gil’s record of tackling crime, protecting communities from sexually violent predators, and prioritizing her constituents is seen as commendable by her Republican colleagues.

Since her election, Alvarado-Gil has broken with Democrats on several bills, including gun legislation, caps on oil industry profits, and restrictions on homeless encampments. She will continue to aggressively advocate for fiscal responsibility, public safety, supporting veterans, tackling the homelessness crisis, and lowering living costs as a Republican.

California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson commended Alvarado-Gil’s fiscally conservative voice in Sacramento and expressed her honor at having her represent her community as a member of the Republican Party. Alvarado-Gil’s switch to the GOP is considered uncommon for a member of a majority party, according to California State Library legislative historian Alex Vassar.

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