Trump Escapes Fatal Blow in Rally Attack: Miracle Survival Story

Former President Donald Trump expressed gratitude to be alive following an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on Saturday. During a phone interview with the New York Post, Trump described the “very surreal experience” that nearly claimed his life and shared how he was “supposed to be dead.” If he hadn’t tilted his head slightly to the right to read a chart about illegal immigrants, he stated that it would have been fatal.

The gunman was positioned approximately 130 yards away from Trump’s platform and opened fire, tearing off a small portion of his ear and splashing blood across his cheek and forehead. Secret Service officials escorted him off the stage, but Trump still wanted to address the crowd. However, they took him to the hospital for safety reasons.

The agents arrived like “linebackers” as soon as the gunfire began, and Trump praised their bravery in apprehending the shooter with one shot between the eyes. He also shared an iconic photo of himself trying to get into an armored SUV while raising his fist and saying “Fight,” three times.

Trump acknowledged that many people believe it is a miracle he survived, and some even claim it’s by God that he is still here. At the rally, two men were injured, and one man was shot and died. Trump expressed admiration for the 55,000-person crowd for their composure during the event.

The volunteer firefighter who lost his life while shielding his family from the gunman’s bullets is being remembered as a devoted father and churchgoer. Comperatore consistently prioritized others, making him an all-around good guy who was always ready to lend a hand and support others.

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