Navarro’s MAGA Masterplan: A Separation of Powers Showdown

Former trade adviser to ex-President Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, has revealed plans that could pose a challenge to the current Biden administration after his imminent release from federal prison next week. Navarro’s new book, “The New MAGA Deal,” published by Winning Team Publishing, co-founded by Donald Trump Jr. and Trump adviser Sergio Gor, reveals these intentions.

Navarro is reportedly intending to take a longstanding Department of Justice policy that prohibits compelling presidential advisers to testify before Congress to the Supreme Court. This plan was initially mentioned when Navarro became the first former aide to be sent to prison for contempt of Congress. Navarro has expressed hope of ending the political persecution he and President Donald Trump have faced from President Joe Biden’s Justice Department by securing a court agreement that White House aides are “alter egos of the president” and thus should be protected from partisan advances by the legislative branch.

In excerpts provided exclusively to Secrets, Navarro states this is a classic separation of powers case with potential to forever define the scale and scope of the constitutional separation of powers as it involves executive privilege and partisan attempts by the legislative branch to undermine that separation. Upon his release from prison, Navarro plans to use his resources to spread the message of the importance of controlling government to prevent it from controlling citizens. He emphasizes that neither he nor Donald Trump seek retribution against their political enemies but believe that all those who have participated in the political persecution of Donald Trump and his associates should be held accountable for their actions.

Moreover, Navarro criticizes the Democrats for weaponizing the justice system to interfere with the 2024 presidential election through coordinated and choreographed subpoenas, indictments, and prosecutions. He calls this a dangerous game of “lawfare” that could be considered treasonous due to its interference in elections. Navarro suggests an investigation is needed to establish whether the FBI, Department of Justice, and the Biden administration colluded to prosecute and persecute the former president and his team. He proposes holding accountable any individuals found to have collaborated with each other or engaged knowingly in election interference.

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