NYPD Unveils New Patrol Decals: From ‘Courtesy’ to ‘Crime-Fighting

New York’s Finest is shedding its iconic motto – “Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect” – in favor of a new slogan emblazoned on the city’s patrol cars. The revamped decals now feature “Fighting Crime, Protecting The Public,” replacing the beloved three-word motto that has adorned cruisers for almost three decades.

The new slogans have been placed on 125 new patrol vehicles at a cost of $1,390 more per car than their predecessors, totaling nearly $174,000. Police Department officials stated that the revamped decals would be installed on newly purchased vehicles before delivery to the NYPD.

The slogan “Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect” was first introduced in 1997 as part of an effort to repair relations between law enforcement and the communities they serve. The decision to replace this slogan with the new one has sparked controversy among critics who argue that it symbolizes the abandonment of efforts to maintain respect towards New Yorkers.

Despite the change, NYPD cruisers already featuring the old decals will retain their original motto. The cost of applying the old decals on these vehicles was around $700 per car, while the updated design with the new “Fighting Crime” slogan and green color scheme comes with a price tag of $2,091 per vehicle.

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