Democratic Party’s Silent Stand: Arizona Governor Hobbs Stays Mum on Biden’s Re-election Campaign

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has remained notably silent following a recent meeting with President Joe Biden, where she was among several Democratic governors present at the gathering. A source close to the situation claims that party officials are being asked to maintain unity in their stance on Biden’s re-election campaign. The president reportedly stated during the meeting that he would focus on getting more sleep, working less, and avoiding events that take place after 8 p.m. as part of an effort to improve his overall performance.

Despite her previous support for President Biden, Governor Hobbs has yet to make any public statements backing him since the gathering. When contacted by The Post, a spokesman for the governor stated that there is no additional information to provide regarding the meeting. The source also revealed that the Biden campaign is taking a “top-down” approach in maintaining cohesion among state party activists and elected officials.

However, not all Arizona Democrats have followed suit in supporting President Biden’s re-election efforts. Rep. Raúl Grijalva, 76, publicly urged the president to withdraw from the race during a recent interview with The New York Times. His stance drew criticism from some within the party, including State Rep. Alma Hernandez who questioned why elected Democrats would call for Biden’s exit while refusing to step aside themselves.

On the other hand, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero expressed her confidence in President Biden following his interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News, tweeting that “there is no one more qualified or better prepared to beat Trump in November and lead our nation into the future than [Biden.

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